Make your Employees Happy and let them make you Happy
I found some of my friends working as HR managers in some small companies to be very much stressed especially in the last week of a month. For most of the professionals, this period will be a hectic period and specifically if they are processing all the records manually, it could be a nightmare. And this continues further even after a week of salary disbursal running into several issues on pay slips, deductions, reimbursements, arrears etc. Definitely any one can understand the situation, and easily guess that it is the payroll time. However, if you observe, comparatively my HR friends working for medium to big companies are relatively cool in spite of the employee strength being higher in these companies.
Just casually I started speaking to my friends on this matter & tried to understand their point of view. I realized that those working in small companies are overburdened with too many tasks and they handle it manually. Definitely, a good automation solution that takes care of the complete HR/Payroll workflow is usually present in big companies. So how exactly can an HR solution create such an enormous impact on the employees working style? Let us do some brainstorming.
I can analyze it very well taking my organization into consideration where we are using full-fledged HR Management Software solution developed by our own internal team. I can feel its importance, mainly, because hardly my HR hardly interacts with the employees on the above mentioned issues, as we do not have many to represent at all. So it is quite clear that the HR’s engagement with each employee for these issues is very less which actually saves a lot of time and energy. That is why I never found them too much stressed due to workload though they will be quite busy with their other core activities. Moreover the workflow or the entire system becomes so uniform that things happen automatically without much effort. And, since it is a centralized platform everything is quite transparent. This actually inspires the HR team to do more of employee motivation activities and motivate/encourage the employees to showcase their talents and skills. So it is not only the HR who is benefited but the entire employee situation that improves.

Now, if I compare with a company which manually handles all their HR activities, then I can clearly imagine the only thing that can rescue them is the mail system and it becomes a lifeline for them. If any fault happens with the system or mail server then everything gets stuck and this can lead to a severe crisis. So obviously the pressure on HR will be too high and as the month end approaches this pressure also gets transmitted to the finance team for the payroll process. Even the top management gets distracted from their core activities as both HR and Finance are two important pillars for any organization and they are always under pressure like this. Moreover the management needs to completely rely or depend on HR department for any information or reports related to employees like their details, leaves, attendance, salaries, performance etc. This actually affects the business from a broader prospective.
Spigot Software a decade old software company based out of Bangalore, has taken a step forward by bringing its in the market to facilitate the enterprises or startups to focus on their core business and let Spigot’s software manage their HR processes. With its web/cloud feature, it enables the organizations to access the solution from anywhere irrespective of the location, employee size. And its plug and play modules give the customer a free hand to choose the modules as per the requirements of their organization.
So in conclusion, the earlier we make a transition to the newer technologies available and utilize the complete benefits of workflow automation, the sooner organization will reap benefits in terms of focusing on the core business needs of the organization.
The writer is a Marketing Evangelist@Spigot Software